Development of a bipedal robot that walks like an animation character
Seungmoon Song, Joohyung Kim, and Katsu Yamane
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Press Articles

Disney researchers develop 2-legged robot that walks like an animated character [EurekAlert!]

Disney robots built for physics-defying cartoon walks [CBS]

Disney just developed the most adorable walking robot [Fortune]

Disney wants to make robots of your favorite animated characters [Engadget]

Disney's developing robots that walking like its cartoon characters [Gizmodo]

Disney wants to make robots that walk like cartoon characters [Popular Mechanics]

Disney is working on making popular animated characters into robots [GeekWire]

Disney research lap creates 3D printed robots that emulate animated characters [3DPrint]

Disney develops 3D printed 2-legged robot that walks like an animated character [3Ders]

Disney turns 3D animation into a walking robot [SlashGear]

Two-legged robot that walks like an animated character [Business Standard]

Robo-mouse: Disney's new robots walk like cartoon characters [Fast Company]

Disney is building robots that walk like its animated characters [Geek]

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